Monday, October 27, 2008

Picture Time......

Here's some pictures of our incredibly beautiful house! Notice the Guard Dog!

We are working with the Elders to reactivate Brother Armenta. He is a single man who has taken in his 3 grandchildren. There ages are 9,10,and 11. His 12 year old son lives with him as well. The grandkids were in living in foster care. Brother Armenta is 56 years old. He's feeling pretty overwhelmed. We invited them to the Halloween party!

Saturday, October 25, 2008


Alan and I have had the Elders living with us for almost 3 months now. Alan is the Ward Mission Leader. He love's his calling and is doing an awesome job at it. I've had the opportunity to be included at 2 different new member baptism. I feel like I'm back on my mission. The Lord has blessed us which such a beautiful sweet spirit in our home. I love it! It has been such a blessing having the missionaries in our home. The whole Zone has met at our house twice now, which includes about 14 Elders in all. First time it was for breakfast (I made it all, and they loved it all)on their P'day. They played pool, (table not swimming) badminton, horseshoes, and volleyball. Then on transfers they met for a hot dog roast and s'mores. Our first Elder that was transferred is Elder MacDonald. He was made Zone Leader. Awesome young man. Elder Jorgenson is maybe 5 ft. He's a greenie from Idaho. I call them My Boys!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Grandma's Birthday Celebration

Ok, so I'm really new at this.....For Grandma's birthday Marilynn and Grandma came down to stay with me to celebrate. We had a blast! We shopped a ton, we went to the play "Tuesday's with Morrie", we attended a session at the Redlands Temple, we ate at the beautiful Mission Inn in Riverside, and the best part we laughed are heads of taking ugly pictures of each other. You just wait kids.....fifty's and eighty's are a riot! Of course, we played card games at night before bed, and of course Marilynn won every time. We missed those who couldn't make it. Lot's of fun memories. Thank you Marilynn and Mom for coming! Looking forward to next year.

Monday, October 20, 2008

A New Member of the Family

This is the newest member of our family. Alan bought her for me for our 6th year anna. Which was the 28th or 30th of September. I can never remember. Oh well, that way you get to celebrate for 3 days. She cost us a arm and a leg but she has been worth every cent. Her name is "Little Bit". We call her Bitsy. She is the love of our life! I never thought that I would be one of those women who take there dog everywhere with them and treat them like a baby but.........I guess that's what you do when your in your fifty's!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Hi! We are down here in sunny California enjoying our new pool and house.